Visualize Your Dream Piece

Do you know exactly what you want, or are you not sure where to start?

Skip to the bottom of this page to submit your inquiry if you know what you’re looking for. If you’re not sure, check out some of the resources below to help you visualize the wood creation of your dreams.

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The Basics.

Consider how you’ll use this piece, where it will live, whether it will be dynamic or static, what kind of weather and sun exposure it will endure, and more.


The Details.

What design aesthetic are you matching or creating? How tall/wide/long/deep do you need it? What kind of accompanying accessories can help bring it to life?

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Wood You Rather…?

Selecting Your Wood

There are hardwoods and softwoods which range in value.

Hardwoods are much darker and softwoods are lighter. However, despite all hardwoods coming from deciduous trees (as opposed to conifer/pine trees), some hardwoods are not hard at all. These include poplar and basswood, for example.

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No Stain, No Gain.

There are an endless number of possibilities when it comes to staining wood. From clear to dark, from shiny to distressed, the stain and finish make a big statement. How will the wood you select take the stain?

Submit an Inquiry

Please include as many details as you can in your inquiry.